
Hiking the Midagahara Wetlands

Discover some of Japan's best Wetland Sights on this Panoramic Boardwalk

(弥陀ヶ原, Midagahara) is an extremely beautiful place through all seasons of the year, and is a great and easy place to take a short hike into the wetlands. Do note that hiking routes are closed when there is snowfall.
There are a two popular courses available that start at the Tateyama Highland Bus bus stop, and goes along wooden boardwalks in a loop into the wetlands and back. Both of these courses are relatively easy, and feature few steep inclines. A third course goes up to the Tateyama Caldera Observation Deck that features much more of a steep incline.
(Image credit to Midagahara Hotel)
Boardwalk in Midagahara Wetlands

Recommended Spots in Hiking the Midagahara Wetlands


Outer Course

(A > B > C > D > E > F > G) The Outer Course is most recommended for those who are visiting Midagahara as it takes around 2 hours and is about 2km in length. While the official guide says it takes 80 minutes to 2 hours to cover, even walking at a casual pace will take around 1 hour to cover. Do note that this route has a number of steps and inclines. Unlike the Inner Course, this course goes past the ponds of the wetlands, and even provides a great expansive view of the wetlands below.

Optional Stops in Hiking the Midagahara Wetlands


Inner Course

(A > B > E > F > G) The Inner Course is suitable for those who want a casual walk, and is around 1km in length. While the official guide says it takes 40 minutes to 1 hour, even walking at a casual pace will take only 30 minutes to cover.


Tateyama Caldera Observatory Deck Course

(A > H > A) The Tateyama Caldera Observation Deck Course doesn't bring visitors on the boardwalk, instead beginning on the opposite side bus stop and brings visitors up to a view point where they can observe the Tateyama Caldera. The round-trip up and back down is about 1km in length and takes around 40 minutes or so. This course has the most inclines out of the three, and doesn't bring visitors into the wetland area.

Getting to Hiking the Midagahara Wetlands



Midagahara Station


Tateyama Highland Bus

Take Main Exit

Directly Connected
Boardwalk in Midagahara Wetlands


Midagahara Wetlands

Kurobe Dam along the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, Toyama Prefecture


Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

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