
Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine

Kawagoe's Renowned Shrine for its Effectiveness in Matchmaking and Love

Operating Hours

09:00 to 17:00 (Daily)

A popular amongst locals for matchmaking and love, this shrine houses 5 deities, two of which are married couples. As such, many singles looking for love, and married couples looking for a long and prosperous marriage often come to this shrine to pray.
Unlike other shrines where the is typically done by pulling a number or taking a slip of paper, the omikuji at Hikawa Shrine requires you to go fishing for it. When you arrive at the shrine, you’ll notice large containers filled with wooden fish in red, pink and white colors. These fish are shaped as , which is also a homomym for fortune in Japanese.
At the side of each container, you’ll see a small donation box for ¥300. Just drop your coins in, pick up a small fishing rod at the side, and then fish for your fortune. Once you get your catch and pull it out, you’ll find a slip of paper tucked into it, and that paper will tell your fortune. Note that the white and pink fishes are for fortunes in love, and the red ones are for general fortunes.
Carp Omikuji at Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture

Credit: Yuika Takamura (Unsplash)

Must Visits in Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine

Rows of Ema at Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture

Ema & Wind Chime Tunnel

Towards the back of the shrine you can also find a path lined with , and in summer from July to September, this path is also covered with a variety of multi-colored wind chimes.

Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine Is Mentioned In

Getting to Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine



Kawagoe Station




Tobu Tojo Line


JR Kawagoe Line

Take East Exit

34 mins
Traditional streets alongside the Toki no Kane in Kawagoe, Saitama Prefecture



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