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Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru Kitte Marunouchi

Tokyo's Best Upscale Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurant

Operating Hours

11:00 to 22:00, L.O. 21:30 (Daily)


Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru is one of Tokyo's best restaurants, with some of the best quality that you can get, together with the fun and excitement of having food rotating about on the conveyor belt. Real conveyor belt sushi chains have become rarer in Japan, after COVID-19 and the "sushi terrorism" incident in 2022. Nemuro Hanamaru continues to embrace their love for conveyor belt sushi, not just with a constantly rotating set of sushi on the belt, but also with the liveliness that comes from specials that the staff would shout out, and also ordering directly from the chef.
While their prices are without a doubt higher than their competitors, the quality in each piece of sushi shines through. Apart from digging into the delicious , , , or sushi, you can also find many other unique seasonal sushi, and also some hidden gems like the and . If you're looking for the best conveyor belt sushi experience in Tokyo, and have the budget to spare, then you should definitely head down to try out Nemuro Hanamaru.
Kaitenzushi at Nemuro Hanamaru

Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru Kitte Marunouchi's Unique Points (こだわり, Kodawari)

The motto of Nemuro Hanamaru is that "the lifeline of Hanamaru is its degree of freshness" (花まるの生命線は鮮度だ, Hanamaru no seimeisen ha sendo da). The basic idea is to be a restaurant where the and are not allowed to go bad, because they are both the ingredients and the dish itself. If you think about it, sushi is simply the combination of rice and dish. And yet, to say that "sushi is just sushi" is not an easy thing. Many different shops can offer the same type of sushi made with the same ingredients of rice and fish, and yet, the "deliciousness" of it remains very different. And if you look at the ingredients, the innate deliciousness of the fish comes from its freshness.
And so to Nemuro Hanamaru, freshness is something that they cannot lose to anyone else. Fish that loses is freshness loses its tastiness. And so one of the things they focus on is that sushi isn't a "cuisine that you make the ingredients delicious" (おいしくする料理, oishikusuru ryōri), it is a "cuisine that you don't let the ingredients lose their deliciousness" (まずくさせない料理, mazukusasenai ryōri). And to not let the ingredients lose their deliciousness, the first thing you have to do is "maintain the freshness" (鮮度を維持すること, sendo wo ichi suru koto). No matter what cooking technique you use, you cannot hide the true nature of the ingredients that you use.
In order to bring the liveliness of Nemuro to its restaurants, open kitchens are also a key component of the restaurant. Beyond just the sushi conveyor belts, chefs are located in the center of the restaurant so that customer can see as much of the cooking process as possible, including the preparation of the fish, the cooking of the rice, the frying of the food, the cutting of the sashimi and more. To them, eating is more than just the taste, the anticipation and excitement that you get from seeing the chefs work on the food improve the taste. But also, its cause as a staff, they enjoy their work, and its something they just want to show off in an open kitchen. The restaurants are also decorated with a wide variety of fishing equipment, and designs reminiscent of a small restaurant in Nemuro.
Beyond just good customer service, Nemuro Hanamaru hopes that customers can feel the spirit and teamwork between the staff. Orders and replies are all shouted out in unison to create a strong sense of camaraderie and energy within the shop, and it should go beyond just a simple "yes", but a strong "hai yo!" (lit. "got it!") to bring a sense of fun to the shop.

Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru Kitte Marunouchi Review and Thoughts

Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru located in Kitte Marunouchi is a really convenient location for those looking to get some good sushi a stone's throw away from Tokyo Station. Located in the old General Post Office for Tokyo, the restaurant is located on the very top floor and uses a queue number system. While its still not very well-known amongst foreigners, many locals throng the shop, and the queue numbers easily run out if you don't come early. Especially for dinner, queue numbers might stop being issued as early as 6pm depending on the popularity that day.
Nemuro Hanamaru is definitely one of the best conveyor belt sushi experiences you can get at Tokyo. It's vastly different from the one that you would get a huge fast food conveyor belt chains like Hama Sushi or Sushiro. At those chains, you typically interact only with an electronic ordering system, and all the food is prepared in the back kitchen. Here, your table is located besides the conveyor belt, behind which is where all the chefs are preparing your food. Other than just grabbing what looks good off the conveyor belt, you can also order straight from the chef, giving a much more fun and human touch to the conveyor belt experience. For those worried about stressful interactions, each table also has an order sheet (with an english menu on request) that you can write your orders down on to pass on to the chef. And since it's an order sheet, you don't have to worry about the stress of ordering fast enough for the waiters or chefs, and take your time writing down your orders.
For us, Nemuro Hanamaru is a definite recommendation for a kaitenzushi restaurant in Tokyo, if you can get in. The queue is probably the biggest downside, but of course, when people are queueing, it must be for something good. The food is truly a notch above other places, and it's fun grabbing a special from a large tray of freshly prepared dishes that the waiters carry around. From time to time, staff also shout out time specials that are fresh or discounted, so don't miss out on those. While sushi preferences depend from person to person, our personal favourites are the , the , and the . While the price point is definitely a lot higher compared to the fast food sushi chains, the quality is also much higher, and we would also recommend it over other large upscale sushi chains like Sushi Zanmai. There's a strong sense of quality, plus the awesome restaurant experience, that really makes Nemuro Hanamaru a cut above the rest. Do note that unlike other places, Nemuro Hanamaru's prices are per piece, not a set of two pieces on a plate.

Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru Kitte Marunouchi's Story

Nemuro Hanamaru originates from (北海道, Hokkaidō) and gets its name from the small fishing village of Nemuro, which in turns puts pressure on them to live up to the reputation of the fishing town. Their restaurant places a focus on the freshness of the fish, and slacking off on that would be like mudslinging at the reputation of the town. That's how seriously Nemuro Hanamaru takes their commitment to freshness.
Beyond just the freshness of the fish, Nemuro Hanamaru aims to value-add to the customer's experience by allowing customers to feel as if the "fish are still alive" (魚が生きている, sakana ga ikiteiru) through the lively atmosphere of the shop. They aim to recreate that bustling lively atmosphere of a fishing port in Nemuro, and it is through both that atmosphere and freshness of the food, do they believe they can recreate the true spirit of Nemuro in their shops.
Nemuro Hanamaru takes an interesting approach to the concept of their shop. For them, each ingredient is carefully selected according to what is seasonally fresh around Nemuro in Hokkaido. Furthermore, they make a point that: for them, is about placing the quality of the ingredients first, not coming up with unnecessarily "creative" sushi products like other chains that stray from the spirit of sushi. The idea is to design and come up with new sushi creations that embrace the spirit of sushi, and to build upon the mainstream of sushi and advance it further towards what they deem as "real sushi". The idea is that, Nemuro Hanamaru takes the middle ground, combining the best of advancing new and creative ideas of sushi like other sushi chains, while also maintaining that traditional orthodoxy that the older more traditional sushi bars offer.
Furthermore, to them the sushi conveyor belt is an integral part of the experience, because of the pleasure it brings from observing it, and the pleasure from choosing something from it. And so, it's important to them that the sushi conveyor belts are filled with a wide array of different that is vibrant and rich, so that many more people will be impressed by the attractiveness of sushi and continue to take more and more plates off the belt. To them, the more busy and crowded a sushi conveyor belt, the more it is a place of happiness.

Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru Kitte Marunouchi Menu Recommendations


Aburi Toro Salmon

Our personal favourite, the fatty belly melts in your mouth. The meat is soft and juicy, with a firm outer texture that melts on your tongue. The taste of the salmon also goes perfectly with the glaze, and its one of the sushi that we just can't help ordering more of.


Aburi Engawa

is the fin of the and is a nice fatty-cut of white fish. It is very juicy and tender, and tastes nicely smokey after the .



One of the best types of to compare between restaurants. Sure it's not a traditional cut of fish in Japan, but it's definitely one of the most approachable and one where you can really tell the quality of the fish easily.


Nikai Tate Hotate

The "double-storey" sushi is something not to be missed. It is on the pricier side of things, but you get a whopping amount of hotate in return that are perfectly plump and sweet.


Botan Ebi

Botan Ebi is a favourite amongst the Japanese, a huge whole shrimp served atop the [sushi rice](/term/food/sushi rice). The meat is crunchy and sweet, and you can definitely taste the freshness. Just note that it comes whole, so the heat is still attached, but it has already been deshelled.


Ni Anago

Boiled that is covered in a sweet and is one of the most popular dishes amongst the local Japanese.


Ama Ebi

is a popular option for those who haven't tried shrimp in Japan before. It comes in two small pieces of fresh crunchy shrimp lined atop the sushi.



You might wonder about ordering fried food at a sushi chain, but since Nemuro Hanamaru is also from Hokkaido their definitely lives up to its reputation.



While is a stable in Japanese restaurants overseas, they are definitely less commonly found in Japan. That being said, many sushi restaurants often pride themselves on the quality of their chawanmushi, and Nemuro Hanamaru is no slouch in that aspect.

Getting to Kaitenzushi Nemuro Hanamaru Kitte Marunouchi



Tokyo Station




JR Yamanote Line




JR Yokosuka Line




JR Tōkaidō Main Line




Marunouchi Line




Keihin-Tōhoku Line

JR East logo

Take Marunouchi South Exit

3 mins
Tokyo Metro logo

Take Exit M3

3 mins
Enter Kitte via the underground entrance and take the lift up to the 4th floor.

Check out other spots in Tokyo Station Area

Exterior of Tokyo Station in Otemachi, Tokyo


Tokyo Station Area




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