Rows of torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture


Discover Kyoto Prefecture

Kyoto Prefecture is most famous for Japan's former capital, (京都, Kyōto), where you can find the gates of the (伏見稲荷大社), the -lined streets of (東山), and the (嵐山 竹林の小径, Arashiyama Chikurin-no-shōkei).
Just to the south of Kyoto, you can find Uji, which is nicknamed as Japan's Capital with plenty of matcha desserts and snacks, as well as the Byodoin Temple, a temple located in the center of a pond.
On the northern side of the prefecture, you can find Amanohashidate, home to the Amanohashidate Sandbar, one of and the of Ine that stand on stilts above the sea.

Top Destinations in Kyoto Prefecture

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