

Alley in front of Himeji Castle in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture



Himeji Travel Guide

Home to Japan's Most Famous Castle

Himeji is most famous for the stunning (姫路城, Himeji-jō), considered one of , the only Japanese castle that is a , and one of the .
A popular runs between Himeji Station and Himeji Castle, parallel to the city's main boulevard. You can find plenty of hole-in-the-wall shops and restaurants there.
Great Half-Day Destination
One of Japan's most beautiful castles
Located along the Tokaido Shinkansen

Popular Destinations

Alley in front of Himeji Castle in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture


Himeji Castle

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Himeji Castle is a that is one of the , and is considered one of . Even within those three, Himeji Castle is often considered the “best” and largest castle, and is the only one registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Getting Around

The primary method of getting around Himeji is on foot. The town is centered around (姫路城, Himeji-jō), and there is a major street that runs straight from Himeji Station, all the way straight up to Himeji Castle directly. The walk takes around 15 minutes. Rather than walking along the main road though, to the East of the road is a that runs parallel, all the way up to Himeji Castle. It’s a much more pleasant stroll where you can check out the local shops and food stands on the way to the castle, as opposed to a drab public road.

Getting There

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