
Hiking Murodo and Mount Oyama

Discover some of Japan's best and highest hidden gems

The (室堂) area is often seen as the highlight of the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route, and for good reason. As the highest point of the route, there are plenty of beautiful sights around from the to the sweeping sights of Jigokudani. In order to experience some of the best sights, a bit of a hike is definitely needed.
Snow Covered Mount Tateyama

Recommended Spots in Hiking Murodo and Mount Oyama

Greenery Covered Miuragaike Pond


Mikurigaike Pond Loop

For the casual explorer, we highly recommend going on the Mikurigaike Pond Loop, which starts from Murodo Terminal, and goes on a loop around Mikurigaike Pond, passing by the Enmadai Observatory, and the (みくりが池温泉). As you walk, you can experience the panoramic views of the entire area, while also admiring the beauty of the Mikurigaike Pond.

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Yuki no Otani Snow Wall Walk


Yuki no Otani Walk (Snow Wall Walk)

In Spring, the most popular route is typically the (雪の大谷, Yuki no Ōtani) route in April and May, where visitors can walk down an approximately 500m stretch in-between two snow walls that average at 7m, but can go up to 20m tall. The walk is typically one-way down, with an external route nearer to the valley for visitors to return back up to Murodo Terminal.

Optional Stops in Hiking Murodo and Mount Oyama

Snow Covered Mount Tateyama


Mount Oyama Hiking Course

For those looking for a bit more of a challenge, and an off-the-beaten-path experience, you can consider taking the hiking route up to Mount Oyama (3,003m). It is one of the easier and most popular mountain hiking routes in Murodo, and rewards climbers with an amazing view from the top, as well as discovering the Oyama Shrine (雄山神社, Oyama-jinja) located right at the top.

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Hiking Murodo and Mount Oyama Is Mentioned In

Getting to Hiking Murodo and Mount Oyama



Murodo Terminal


Tateyama Highland Bus


Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus

Take Third Floor Exit

Directly Connected

Check out other spots in Murodo

Snow Covered Murodo



Kurobe Dam along the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, Toyama Prefecture


Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

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