
Tateyama Soba

Popular Standing Soba Shop in Murodo Terminal

Operating Hours

08:30 to 16:00, L.O. 15:45 (Daily)


Tateyama Soba is a standing restaurant in Murodo Terminal, and is a perfect spot for a quick, easy, and heartwarming meal on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. Tateyama Soba offers only three types of soba: Soba, Sansai Soba (soba with edible mountain vegetables), and Kitsune Soba (soba with ). They also offer Masu Sushi as a side, which is sushi made with preserved .
Soba at Tateyama Soba

Tateyama Soba Review and Thoughts

You would expect that on a tourist hotspot like the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, you would get extraordinary tourist trap prices, after all, there is a captive audience, and also getting logistics up here is hard. But Tateyama Soba offers you an affordable and delicious bowl of soba when you're at your most tired state. It is definitely cheaper than the fast food soba you get in Tokyo, but at around ¥1000, it's pretty affordable for the middle of nowhere.
By the time most people reach Murodo, they would be somewhat tired out by the journey up, and so having a nice hearty bowl of hot soba really hits the spot. Not to mention, it's a standing soba shop, so the turnover of customers is really fast, allowing you to eat quickly and head out without consuming too much of your travel time.
Is it the most amazing soba we have had? Not really, at best we would count it as above average. The soup is tasty, the noodles are average, and the toppings seem to be prepared in advance, so they aren't as fresh as they could be. But that being said, it's a decent bowl of soba, for the price and the location. And we won't hesitate to recommend this as something to eat when you're on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route and looking for a quick fix.
Of course, if you're tired and you're looking to sit down and rest over lunch, then you're better off going to check out Restaurant Tateyama. Tateyama Soba does open earlier and close later than most of the other restaurants in the area though, so it's a good last resort if you need one.

Tateyama Soba Menu Recommendations


Shira Ebi Kakiage Soba

A (富山県, Toyama-ken) specialty, this dish uses fresh as a topping, with a small . The soup has a light yet rich flavor, and the crispy kakiage helps to give it a different texture and flavor. It's a great dish to eat in the snowy weather.


Thick-cut Masu Sushi

is one of the local specialties of (富山県, Toyama-ken), a traditional form of sushi made with that has been preserved in vinegar and pressed atop . It can typically only be found in the Toyama Prefecture.

Getting to Tateyama Soba



Murodo Terminal


Tateyama Highland Bus


Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus

Take Main Exit

Directly Connected
The restaurant is located on the first floor of Murodo Terminal.

Check out other spots in Murodo

Snow Covered Murodo



Kurobe Dam along the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, Toyama Prefecture


Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

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