

One of the Highlights of the Alpine Route with Stunning Views in Spring and Autumn

Murodo is the tallest point on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, and also the largest terminal on the route with a hotel, restaurants, gift shops, an onsen, and a variety of walking routes. Throughout different seasons, visitors can find a variety of different attractions including the iconic (雪の大谷, Yuki no Ōtani) in Spring, a massive snow wall that goes up to almost 20m, and hiking up to in Summer.
Snow Covered Murodo

Must Visits in Murodo

Greenery Covered Miuragaike Pond


Mikuriga-ike Pond

Mikurigaike is a beautiful volcanic lake that from July to October features a bright-blue surface from the cobalt in the pond and you can see the reflection of the peak of in it. It was said to be formed 10,000 years ago with a circumference of 630m, and a depth of 15m, it is said to be the most beautiful volcanic lake in the northern . The lake is typically covered in snow and frozen over between November and June.
Yuki no Otani Snow Wall Walk


Yuki no Otani (Snow Wall / Corridor)

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The Yuki no Otani, often colloquailly called the Tateyama-Kurobe Snow Wall or Snow Corridor, is arguably the most iconic view of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, a tall ice wall that is typically 7m tall, and can go up to 20m tall in years with heavy snowfall. The Yuki no Otani is at its tallest when the route just opens in mid to late April. The snow wall becomes progressively shorter as the year goes on, and in some years, you can still see some snow even in July or August.

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Exterior of Miuragaike Onsen


Mikurigaike Onsen

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Mikurigaike Onsen is the highest in the whole of Japan at 2,410m high in elevation. The onsen uses pure hot spring water from the nearby Jigokudani, a sulphuric area, without diluting it with water or even heating it up. Due to that, the water does have a strong sulphuric smell as it comes straight from the source. The onsen is a gender-separated indoor bath with only a single indoor bath, but with beautiful panoramic views of the valleys outside.

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Snow Covered Mount Tateyama


Hiking Murodo and Mount Oyama

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The (室堂) area is often seen as the highlight of the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route, and for good reason. As the highest point of the route, there are plenty of beautiful sights around from the to the sweeping sights of Jigokudani. In order to experience some of the best sights, a bit of a hike is definitely needed.

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Recommended Spots in Murodo

View from Enmadai Observatory


Enmadai Observatory

The Enmadai Observatory, also called the Jigokudani Observatory, is one of the best spots to can and up and close view of the sulphuric landscapes of Jigokudani (地獄谷, lit. Hell Valley). While Jigokudani was once a hiking course, the poisonous gases from the sulphuric geysers have made the area too dangerous for visitors, thus this is one of the best places where you can view it from afar.
Nikuman from Etchu Steamed Buns


Etchu Steamed Buns & Oyaki

Operating Hours

08:30 to 16:00 (Daily)

In Murodo Terminal, you can find a small takeout stand outside (立山そば) selling freshly steamed that uses Kurobe Meisui Pork, a local brand of pork, as well as , a local specialty of (長野県, Nagano-ken).
Soba at Tateyama Soba


Tateyama Soba

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Tateyama Soba is a standing restaurant in Murodo Terminal, and is a perfect spot for a quick, easy, and heartwarming meal on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. Tateyama Soba offers only three types of soba: Soba, Sansai Soba (soba with edible mountain vegetables), and Kitsune Soba (soba with ). They also offer Masu Sushi as a side, which is sushi made with preserved .


Restaurant Tateyama

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Restaurant Tateyama is the hotel restaurant for the Hotel Tateyama at Murodo Terminal, even so it is open for non-staying guests on the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. It is one of the best options for visitors who want a sit-down dine-in experience to rest while travelling the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route. While its prices are definitely on the higher side, it is by no means a pure tourist trap as they make up for the price with a variety of local specialties from (富山県, Toyama-ken). The restaurant is also located on the 3rd floor of Murodo Terminal, and has tall glass windows that provide a beautiful view of the surrouding Japanese Alps.

Optional Stops in Murodo

Snow Covered Mount Tateyama


Hiking Up Mount Tateyama (Mount Oyama)

From July to September, a hiking route is available from Murodo Terminal to the peak of Mount Oyama (雄山, Oyama), one of the three peaks of , when the area is clear of snow. The peak of Mount Oyama is at 3,003m and takes around 3 hours 40 minutes for a round-trip from Murodo Terminal.

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Getting to Murodo



Daikanbo Station


Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus


Tateyama Ropeway

10 mins

Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus

Daikanbo Station


Murodo Terminal



Bijodaira Station


Tateyama Cable Car


Tateyama Highland Bus

50 mins

Tateyama Highland Bus

Bijodaira Station


Murodo Terminal



Midagahara Station


Tateyama Highland Bus

20 mins

Tateyama Highland Bus

Midagahara Station


Murodo Terminal

Kurobe Dam along the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, Toyama Prefecture


Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

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